Newest Curated Playlist.


Introducing the latest curated playlist on our Spotify page. Me and my friend at @queuedupnext set out to put together a small collaborative playlist composed of the 30 tracks we'd want to feature in the newest installment of the FIFA video game series. Growing up, FIFA was my friend group’s go to video game, and as iconic as the game itself was to us all, the accompanying soundtrack that released with it was equally important to us. Our hope is that the tracks on this playlist emulate that same feeling we all felt as a friend group whenever a new FIFA game came out.

Click here to be taken directly to our FIFA 24 playlist, and if you like that one, be sure to give a listen to our Nostalgia playlist, a compilation of our favorite FIFA songs from previous years.


SS23 pt.2 Upcoming Release


SS23 pt.1 Upcoming Release