2021 & Curation. - A Much Needed Update


Hi again, it’s been quite some time since the last editorial entry. I know I initially made a point to have regular updates here and that clearly hasn’t been the case as of late, but I’m hoping to make up for the lack of content moving forward. No doubt a lot has happened since the last entry on this page, the first ever winter/spring release launched, the new year struck, and last but certainly not least, I checked off the quarter century birthday mark for myself. Having turned 25 (an age I still can’t decide if I feel is old or young sounding), I’ve spent these last handful of months of 2021 trying to set myself and this brand up for the most success moving forward. While the near future may be a bit uncertain to a degree, I do know that the next few months will be incredibly exciting for Curation. The direction we are set to head for the next few seasons is exactly how I first envisioned this clothing/lifestyle brand from the beginning. Overall quality, presentation and production across the board have improved and continues to get even better with each release. Within the next few weeks we’ll have our latest seasonal collection, SS21, dropping that I am so incredibly excited for you all to get your hands on. In the meantime, stay tuned for more updates on the editorial front, I promise to be better here moving forward.


SS21 Upcoming Release


Curation. AF1 Low